Tuesday 3 February 2015

Learning from cars:

               Cars are the product of industrial revolution. It seems the world just learned something all of a sudden, and grew up accordingly. Around 1779 the first steam powered road going vehicle was developed. More than a 100years later the diesel engine was developed and then came the automobile almost similar, but yet different to the automobiles we know of today. Initially the development was slow as you can see, but in the later stages inventions and developments started happening faster and cars have now become the face of human invention and sophistication. But somewhere I still believe car design and the industry has not moved an inch in terms of real inventions. Cars when invented were just cabins on wheel and they still are, although the cabin design has shown physical refinements and updations with time. Cars that can take you anywhere and everywhere and that can literally save your time and energy is still an unrealised dream. Well, let me not get carried away, the topic here is what is that cars have got to teach us, just because they are comparatively more sophisticated than architecture.
              Since my bachelors, I have been thinking like any other architecture student with passion, that architecture is the mother of all arts. But now I am starting to question that blind conviction. Well architecture might be the father for real, but he is a very conventional and very orthodox father for sure. And he is so reluctant to learn or change, architecture doesn’t seem to learn anything from his kids and descendants. An automobile cabin is designed in panels like: bonnets, tail gate, fenders, doors etc. if one part gets damaged, just that single panel and your vehicle as good as new. Now I wouldn’t say it’s a completely flawless system, but yes this is something which we can start working with.
Now the issue with cars are the maintenance and most of it owes to the moving part inside, and since that is not the case with architecture, that won’t happen. The panelling idea could be implemented here with a frame work of columns and beams which will just act like the chassis of a vehicle. Like the wiring harness of a vehicle, the wiring and plumbing harness could be preinstalled with the chassis. This will ensure standardisation and create quality and durability. The wiring and service line hence would run longer too. Even though a vehicle’s cabin despite of all its specialities ages. And that is something unacceptable in case of a building, at least not at the same rate as a vehicle do. Well, let’s worry about all that later. All I’m trying to say here, it’s high time for us to think differently.

             To sum up, what I mean to say is with world-class industrial grade, mass manufactured column and beam frame work and interchangeable modular panels, we can develop an architectural wonder which will be as sophisticated and advanced as an automobile and durable and long-lasting as the earth herself!!

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