Sunday 8 February 2015

Modularity in spaces: learning from nature

                Normally when we design a space, say a dining room, with a height of 3 m or above, there’s always a whole lot of things that we ignore, or we are unaware of. In a typical room, have you ever thought of the space which is left unutilised, yet always in front of us? In a typical room of 3m height, the 1.2 m that is left vacant above us, what is the role of that space? How can such spaces be made more efficient? I always had this though in mind. And if this problem can be solved, or if this model can be made efficient then the same can also be applied to a whole city or on a much bigger scale.
                Nature teaches us a lot of things. Trees can be considered similar to buildings. They don’t move, but they provide for us. The trees are also really dynamic in a certain sense. In nature all the flora follows a special hierarchy.

In the image shown here, a typical plant hierarchy in terms of space occupancy is represented. Here some plants fill the spaces between the other plants. The floor between couple of trees is always filled in by grass or some other kind of plant life. The space above a grass or a small bush or plant is never left un-occupied. Bigger trees always cover up these vacancies and thus the voids are always filled by one plant or the other.

That means plants will never grow in the way shown here:

The space above a particular plant is not left dedicated to that plant and I always filled in by bigger plants or vice versa. This represents efficiency and to an extent it tells us how to make even architecture spaces follow modularity. Unlike this our mane made world I full of inefficiency.

Like in the image shown here, the area above a particular building is always left vacant, no matter how small or big the building is. If the buildings are to follow the nature’s model, the same would have looked completely different.. May the inspiration for a better world, or a more efficient world could come from nature herself. I always looked in to nature for answers and the nature did always provide. A simple cob web or hummingbirds nest is the answer to this situation according to me. Let me show you an example:

This is demonstration of a spider web in the wild and here what I’m trying to show is way nature spins her fabric. The simple dwelling (in this case a spider web) uses the existing trees as pier or support columns and hangs or suspends the structure from there. This thus ensures that the area or the space in between is also rightly utilised.

If this is applied our architecture model then the above thing can be transformed to something like this:

               This might seem like a total blue sky ideation at this point, but I really feel this is the future and it’s not going to be long for this to become a reality. Of course feasibility issues and other technical and legal issues might strike you at first but, just for the time being let’s think beyond that. I believe this ain’t going to take much time now. Design should always break boundaries; design should think the unthinkable and take the path of glorious and sublime dreams without the constraints of human fear and prejudice.
                This is where the theory of diagonal growth comes to the picture, I would name in INFECTIONISM. People have visualised or predicted much kind of development plans for the future. Some say hour cities will grow more horizontally and horizontal skyscrapers are the future, and then came the vertical growth predictions. Vertical cities and skyscraper and towers started filling the world, but it just doesn’t seem to hold much future. One of the major reasons is the huge investments and they are not feasible everywhere and where will you build once all the land is gone? The climatic and legal factors are also there. Construction and civil developments over water and thus contaminating or polluting them for ever and ever have also been part of the plans. Puncturing the globe and building inwards, space dwellings and what not. Well but I tell you for real what is going be the case with future cities. Once the cities will have more skyscrapers than they can possibly chew, then the cities will grow diagonally. Means the people will start fillings the voids in between the cities and the rules will all change for ever. For the first time instead of selling land, void space or simply plots of air will be on sale. Infectionism will be explained in detail in the coming posts. But all this is drawing inspirations from nature herself like I mentioned before.
                The next thing to learn from nature is her strategy for an open ended growth. It’s like the foundation is there by default for all the plants to grow (in this case fertile soil), except the hot and cold deserts. Now this actually means a plant can grow anywhere and everywhere if conditions are right. This also tells us about the ambiguity and predictability and the invisible grid in the nature that holds the answer to all the questions man can ever raise. We will discuss this in detail in the future, but for now let me tell you, the open ended growth can also be implemented in buildings if the proper sense of modularity is incorporated. Imagine, buildings that can grow vertically, and diagonally and in any other direction it may wish to, depending upon the demand and need. To cut brief, the idea is to grow denser and efficiently with opportunities for the generations to come.
                Another major thing is to improve the life of architecture, and here I’m not talking about prolonging the life of all the buildings unnecessarily. The character of the building and its efficiency and all other factors should evolve and improve according to the requirements of the time. Now what generally happens is an architect or more aptly a sculptor sculpt his so called building and users and all the other things just adapt to it. Should it be left like that? Is this how architecture is supposed to work? The arrogance and selfishness of a sculptor should be given so much attention and care? I don’t think so. When we look at trees, if you have noticed while you cut a tree trunk in to sections, there you will come across annual rings. With every growing year the tree itself will have a lot of changes not often noted by people and then there is an internal and more specific change, which is the addition of annual rings. This is a very interesting feature and that can be adapted in to architecture. Wonder how? Let me tell you something, the place I’m from used to be a good old fashioned village until very recent, and something I have seen or noticed around here is the way poor people around here built there houses. These houses start with a single or a couple of rooms at the centre, mostly a kitchen and a common room that could be transformed to a bedroom or any other room at will. Then in course of time whenever they find the money and chance to expand, they expand this nano house to become a full fledge house with all the room required but yet, the powder room won’t find a place inside and will be housed in a separate room somewhere outside. My own parental house was built this way, at least that’s what my dad told me. Now, the thing I’m referring to here is the annual ring model of the trees is unknowingly inherited in our architecture from the time in history and is something which we completely failed to notice. Well this to me looks like the most efficient way of open ended planning. This will ensure efficiency like never before.

                It’s a general tendency in Kerala, India people built there houses so big for no obvious reason and would answer if asked that it’s for the future convenience of theirs kids and their kid’s kids. Well what such idiots fail to notice is that their overly worked upon houses will be some 35 years old by the time the younger generation will be at age to know anything about this out-dated building. And honestly speaking, with the kind of cheap and substandard construction in this place, no building will stand for more than 25years even with extensive renovations and maintenance. It just seems people are so stupid to do such things. A modular approach like I mentioned in earlier posts is the answer. A building that can add on new layers or rooms as per requirements; something that will never hesitate to update or grow. The future generations or the future users just got to change the components (wall panels, floor and roof panels, wire harness or utility grid etc.) which will all be modular thus easy to replace. This house or the building then will be as good as new. This is also how you can prevent a building from aging, by following an idea that will never wither.  A house is a machine to live in, said Le Corbusier more than 80 years ago, apart from endurance, was he looking at the efficiency of the spaces and design itself, not sure. But when I look at machines, what I find is efficiency of the model and purpose associated with each and everything inside. I haven’t seen a machine with things in it that doesn’t do anything and the space is efficiently planned inside with no voids. But architecture as we know is just so loosely planned and executed. Almost everything we see around is pure shit. The space wastage is sometimes intentional and mostly not noticed or not understood. Evolution of architecture is long due and I’m sure of the path it is going to take.

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