Friday 6 February 2015

Used good market for architecture:

Something we have seen recently is the obvious and tremendous increase in interest for used the products. It will be right to say that the used good market is booming these days, at least in the case of countries like India. Sites like quikr, olx and other automobile resale sites give enough and more evidences to suggest that. Well I can see the world has picked up these clues and evolved or moved accordingly. But somehow, the common man’s biggest investment, i.e. construction and real-estate seem to have missed these points completely. Like I’ve been saying, if modular architecture is realized in its true sense, with efficiency, precision and durability of an automobile cabin, then it is very much possible to find a resale for these units too. May be the less fortunate or the people who wouldn't want to invest too much on houses might get to buy and use the used ones.

Sometimes the term sustainable and efficient is used very liberally in the architecture world, were on one side people prefer to ignore the enormous energy and space wastage that has become synonym with modern day architecture. While our architects get too busy in creating new and elaborate sculptural wonders by the name of architecture, we are losing much more than what we could have ever imagined. In the process of an extension, renovation, modification or demolition of a structure to make way for new ones, nobody seems to give a damn about the embodied energy associated with the old one. How can we achieve efficiency without accounting for the embodied energy wastage? Demolishing something, or knocking down a building is easy, finding new use for the old ones and not wasting it is the difficult part. May be all of us are getting too busy, or lazy or rather selfish. When we look at the nature’s way of knocking things down, she always make sure that whatever came down will always nurture and nourishes the existing ones. Why can’t we follow this model, and make sure that the part of an old building is reused in another building or becomes the part of a new one. This is possible only if they are designed in such a way. This is where the importance of modularity explained before comes in to application. For example: Imagine if a 20 storey building when demolished can give rise to 20 individual houses. The panel and the frame work are reused to bring about those houses.

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