Monday 2 February 2015


             When can you possibly say that architecture has achieved perfection? Architecture is a constantly evolving yet consistently updated art, or is it just a wrong notion. Has architecture evolved at all? Or is it still the same old wine in a new bottle? Some time I feel, architecture has not even taken a single step, haven’t moved an inch from where it has all started. The whole world has moved ahead; feel like architecture is the only thing that is dragging everything back. It’s just so reluctant to change or is it just that the designers have really failed to see the future? Architecture of present is just the illusion of the future, and the reality of future is just beyond its reach. Architecture is bearing a cladding of future on the reality of the past.  It’s been selling lies to the world all this while, and today more than ever… it has lost all its soul. Sometime I see buildings with soul but no brains. Some time it is too much brain and no heart.
                When I see design the trends of these days, I feel architecture is truly out-dated. It can’t hold on to its lies for ever. Time has come, for us to redefine architecture. Architecture and architects have followed a number of “isms” and design philosophies throughout the course of history. Well one thing that always caught my curiosity is, architecture has always followed the philosophies or trends that is practised and evolved through art or some other field. Art and architecture has really become inseparable. Should it really be always like that, or can there be a different approach? Architecture like art has become a reflection of lavishness of the rich and fortunate. Architecture yes, should always be work or the professional experienced and enjoyed by the user, and not just maintained by them.
                Following are some of the features and character that I believe would change architecture for ever. This is not the future of architecture I’m talking about, but is just the next step in architecture:
·         Total flexibility, in terms of design and use·         Modularity·         Freedom of expansion, extension and modulation without physically damaging or trimming the initial one.·         Standardisation·         Design for the present, keeping the future in mind·         Mass producible·         Any part can be replaced or changed when and as required without causing any ripple in the current form.·         Something that doesn’t age.·         Sophistication in every sense·         Globalised and contemporary·         Material standard and working efficiency of an automobile.

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